FI4Fl0PGX14tiLVN8g1HFXcDgOg The Pitbull Palace: April 2012

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Pit Bull Puppy That Could; Harper's Story

Hey pit bull friends, bloggers, and supporters!! Hope everything is going incredibly well for each and everyone of you!! Motley and I are waiting for this rain to go away and for the sun to show its face, so we thought we might share this story about an amazing pit bull puppy named Harper.

You see, Harper was given no chance at life by his previous owner, as he was tied up in a garbage bag and tossed into a river. Before I go on with Harper's story, I'd like to speak my mind a bit. If you have a puppy or dog you don't want, PLEASE give it up to a shelter. There is no reason for such things to happen to these dogs that have not even experienced what life is supposed to be like. I couldn't even begin to imagine doing things to my pit bull Motley, let alone a puppy such as tossing it in a river. Its horrible and no dog should experience it so please give them to a shelter or a responsible owner so they may have a real chance at life.

 Now on to Harper's story. Harper did experience that cruelty from his owner who didn't want him. He was found still in the garbage bag about six months ago by a lady named Erica Daniels. When she found Harper, he was lifeless, suffering from "puppy swimming syndrome," which most puppies don't make it through.

Credit: Dolly's Foundation

Erica thought the best case scenario for little Harper would be to humanely euthanize him so he wouldn't have to suffer, but Harper wanted his chance at life. Throughout the night, Harper began moving and showing real signs of life, so he was given that chance.

After some very costly medical procedures Harper is now a happy, 35 pound, 9 month old pit bull.


I love getting to hear about stories like this. Pit bulls are such resilient dogs that really deserve much more respect than they get! How can you not love a face like that? If you'd like more info on Harper's Story please Check It Out. Also please check out Hope4Harper and Dolly's Foundation

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pit Bull Takes Bullet in the Head to Protect Owner, AND Survives

So it was a regular day for pit bull owner Justin Becker when everything got turned upside down. A burglar dressed up as a FedEx man decided to make Mr. Decker's home his target for the day. 

As Mr. Decker opened the door the burglar pushed his way into the house.

"He barged in. My first reaction after seeing the gun was to push him out, so I pushed him towards the door. Like I said, he fell like wedged by the door. I slammed him inside the door and he was trying to escape because of getting crushed," Becker said.

That's where his fearless pit bull Kilo jumped in to action to protect his owner.

 “Now Kilo came out to protect me. Grrr, he tried to come through the door at the guy, his head was out. Grrr, then I heard the guy, three gunshots,” Becker said.

Kilo was struck in the head by one of the three bullets which then ricocheted off his skull and exited through the back of his neck.

The gunman was able to escape but the mood switched quickly from burglar to Kilo. Was Becker's fearless 12 year old pit bull going to make it through his injuries?

Amazingly three days after Kilo was struck by the bullet, he was able to start walking and moving around. Even Dr. Panarello said he was impressed by pit bulls will to live and that Kilo was,"Incredibly lucky!"

As pit bull owners and supporters, we know what the true side of pit bulls are so hearing this story I can't help but thank the big man upstairs for protecting such a loyal and strong pit bull (Kilo). He knew something was wrong and jumped into action to protect is human counterpart and you can't be anything but thankful for a pet companion like that!

If you'd like to read this story yourself please 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Elijah, The REAL Fighting Pit Bull

Before you read the title and think I'm really going to talk about fighting pit bulls, read a little farther and discover what a REAL fighting pit bull is.

A REAL fighting pit bull is the only title that could sum up the life of Elijah the pit bull.

He was discovered in a rural Nebraska area by a local shelter after wandering around for around four days straight. Not only had he been wandering around for four days but Elijah had been shot twice and left for dead by his owners. When the shelter found him he had a bullet wound in his hindquarters and another one near the shoulder blade, which also contained maggots and was infected.

As of right now Elijah, after going through numerous surgeries and rehabbing, is doing quite well and almost fully recovered. Tell me thats not a true fighter! The ones that you thought you could trust tried to kill you, left you for dead, and yet he can still turn around and be friendly with people. Its amazing how great pit bulls can be!

There is a little more to the story about Elijah's previous owner but I didn't want to get into that because it wasn't the part of the story I thought was important. If you'd like to read the full story please feel free to check it out though.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

We are a day late posting but Motley and I hope everyone enjoyed a spectacular Easter Sunday with family, friends, and of course your beloved pets.
We enjoyed a great lunch and Motley even got to help during the easter egg hunt. (he didnt find any eggs though ha)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Pit Bull Palace T-Shirts

Before Motley and I get started, we wanted to give everyone who took the time to read about the F18 jet crash in Virginia Beach, Virginia yesterday a little update. Everyone in from the apartment complexes have been accounted for and miraculously no one sustained any bad injuries! Eight people including the two jet pilots were taken to the hospital and are doing fine, while everyone at the crash sight has been chipping in and helping in any way possible. Its great even though it could have been really bad, to see a community come together in a time of need and work together!! Makes me feel good to say Motley and I are from Virginia Beach!

So on to the situation at hand. As The Pit Bull Palace grows as a blog and our message starts getting out there to more people we would also like to grow and start branding out a little more. The first thing that came to mind were t-shirts but before we got to deep in that idea we wanted and would love your help/advice as pit bull supporters.

Motley and I have been playing with a few designs, just trying to put our ideas on paper and would like to know what everyone of you think. Are they good designs? What could be changed? What would you like to see? How much would you consider paying for these shirts?

As pit bull supporters, we would like to be able to keep the prices low and yet still be able to give a certain percentage of the profits to some kind of pit bull shelter named at a later time. This will be a way to represent these beloved dogs and also give back to them at the same time. 

What do you think about the idea? the designs?
Please let us know what yall think!!